Managed IT Services - Raleigh, NC

Raleigh's #1 Rated Managed IT Services Provider is quickly becoming the #1 Provider Nationwide!

Managed Services, IT Outsourcing, Helpdesk Support

Managed Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated Servers

CloudUTM Managed Security Services

Network Security and Network Monitoring

Custom Datacenter Services

Mobile Device Management

Mobile Device Management

Mobile Smartphone and Email Solutions

Spam and Virus Filtering

Hardware As A Service

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Raleigh, NC businesses may find it challenging to deploy, maintain, and protect their technology. Whether you’re looking to keep IT costs predictable, avoid unexpected downtime from threats like ransomware, communicate more effectively or make a plan for business continuity, Petronella Technology Group, Inc. has a managed It services and security solution for you.

Feel like your current Managed IT Services Provider or IT guys could be helping your business more?

I've found that with a custom tailored managed IT services process, Petronella can deliver a result for our customers that is vastly different than typical IT support provider can achieve, even at their best!

Back in 2002, we were just like most other managed IT service providers in Raleigh-Durham, NC. We had a bronze, silver, gold and platinum package. We were charging our customers with a block of hours.

It hit me like a ton of bricks that there were some major issues with this process and approach...

First, if you have a silver package, why would you allow a business to work with you in any other way than the very best you can deliver? Why would you not give the customer the very best managed IT services. Who wants to pay for subpar IT Support?

Second, if an IT services provider charges by the hour then there is a built in incentive for them to bill their clients for more billable hours. It puts the business and the IT company out of alignment. The IT provider is given incentive to bill more hours and not fix the all of the IT issues to begin with.

About fifteen years ago, I completely re-invented my managed IT services business. It took finding all new employees and all new business clients who weren't blinded by the old way of delivering IT, but were open to a game changing IT solution.

I had to crumble up my entire business so I could start over and rebuild it all from scratch.

That's when I developed our Technology Management Blueprint - a proprietary process we now use to manage all our customer's IT; increasing their productivity, reducing capital costs by 50% or more in some cases. Eliminating security risks, aligning with compliance standards like NIST, DFARS, CMMC, FTC, ISO 27001, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, etc., and helping them solve real business technology issues so we could be viewed as an investment; a true IT partner that the business could rely on and grow with.

Some people refer to what we do as "Managed Services" but there is a world of a difference between what we do and your typical Managed IT Services Provider in Raleigh-Durham, NC.

Most IT companies have been through the VAR (value-added reseller) phase, the Trusted Advisor phase, the Managed Services phase, the Cloud Services phase, the Cybersecurity provider phase, and now the AI phase. Do more with less they say. The problem is that they see Managed Services as just a tool to extract recurring revenue from their clients business vs. a process to improve their client's business foundation.

When an IT provider gets the majority of their revenue from projects, hourly billing and hardware/software sales, it's impossible for them to make the jump to a true outsourced IT department that delivers proven managed services as a seamless extension of the client's business. An extension that is a fraction of the cost of the customer trying to do it all themselves.

It's because their priorities are all screwed up. The IT provider spends all their time like a squirrel chasing the next project or hardware upgrade!

It's like building a house on an uneven foundation. It is just not possible!

Don't get me wrong, we aren't perfect! We make mistakes too. The difference is in our tightly defined process that delivers best practices and the discipline it takes to focus on the proactive tasks that we've proven over and over can have a huge positive impact on a business.

If you have a business with ten or more employees in the Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte, Greensboro NC area and want to hear more about our process and the results it delivers simply complete the contact form and we will be in touch a.s.a.p.

If you simply can't wait, then give us a call today at 919-422-2607

Petronella Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics delivers managed IT services in Raleigh-Durham, NC and across the world with proprietary and patented solutions, to give you the best results possible:

  • 24/7 Monitoring and Alert Analysis of event logs, performance metrics and processes to determine the steps required to resolve hardware, operating system and application issues.

Our state-of-the-art, patented technology can monitor:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Linux
  • Unix
  • Apple OS X
  • SNMP & ICMP devices such as network printers, routers and firewalls
  • Mobile devices including Android & iOS
  • VMware virtualization
  • Hyper-V virtualization

System Health Monitoring:

  • Comprehensive Proactive Intelligent Alert Monitoring: Alerts are based on conditional monitoring configured by our network engineers that continuously capture, document and update the monitoring system.
  • Alert Analysis: For every alert that is generated, there is a knowledge base entry recommending a resolution to the issue. This limits the troubleshooting required and speeds resolution time for server alerts.
  • SNMP Monitoring: Network devices such as printers, UPSs, Routers and Firewalls.
  • Backup Monitoring
  • Partner-defined monitoring of third party applications
  • Server profiling and inventory management

IT Maintenance:

  • Patch management: Configure, deploy and view all Microsoft patches security related a non-security related. Microsoft patching has become a critical and time-consuming task. While automatic updates simplify patch deployment, Petronella will test patches to ensure they are reliable before adding them to automatic deployments.
  • Desktop security scans
  • Antivirus Management - Scheduled anti-virus installation checks and definition updates for many anti-virus applications are available. Our agents ensure that antivirus software is properly installed and verify that the latest antivirus definition files have been updated and applied.
  • Managed Antivirus Licenses
  • Managed Anti-malware Licenses
  • Extended Detection and Response (XDR) Included with all of our secure datahosting packages.
  • Intelligent patching with lab-tested patch levels
  • Client communicator: An application that runs in the system tray to improve client communication and support through messaging, end-user ticket generation, and access to company contact information.
  • Logical Disk Checks: Each logical disk on the server is checked to assure there is more than 750 free megabytes always available. This is completely customizable.

IT Management Services:

  • Policy management
  • Remote (NOC) Network Operations Center Support
  • Customized Reports: On-Demand Executive Reports, Monthly Summary and Detailed reports help demonstrate the value of our proactive managed services to our business customers.
  • Remote Access: Remote into your desktop and work from anywhere as if you were in front of your PC.

Managed IT Automation Powered by AI:

  • Advanced Scripting: Petronella provides an extensive library of pre-created scripts you can use to help automate tasks and monitor systems. No programming is required. All scripts are deployed through an easy-to-use visual web interface. Deploy to a single machine or across multiple sites on-demand or on a scheduled basis. Use scripts to standardize user configurations across any desktop running our remote monitoring agent. Download application installers directly from the Internet or deploy locally to consolidate Internet bandwidth.
  • Intelligent Device Profiling: Asset & Inventory Scans: Scans are scheduled to run weekly to capture hardware, software, and operating system settings from users’ desktops. This data is reported back to our data center and is reported on our dashboard.
  • Rules-based analysis
  • Ticketing System Integration

Petronella has powerful, secure and flexible Managed IT Services that deliver exactly the reliability and performance you need to get the most out of your business technology investment.



Managed IT Services from Petronella Technology Group, Inc. are easy, quick, secure, and economical to implement.

Contact Petronella Today!

